Literal Arrays and Vectors in Lisp

Despite being a Lisper, Unlike Brian I haven’t gotten into Clojure yet. I’ve been following along at a safe distance. Due to a recent post of his I learned about a significant difference between Clojure and other Lisps when it comes to arrays/vectors.

In this recent post, Brian wrote a ClojureScript let-like macro to hide JavaScript asynchronous function chains so that they can be used just like regular synchronous functions. Follow Clojure’s style, the asynchronous functions are written inside a vector rather than a list to indicate to the macro that they’re special.

  [text [fetch "/foo/json"]
   url (str text ".html")
   result [fetch url]
   _ (.show view result)
   _ [timeout 1000]
   _ (.makeEditable view)])

That sounded completely reasonable to me, since array literals are rarely used inside code Common Lisp. When they are used, it’s as a global constant.

A few days later when I was talking to Brian at the metaphorical water cooler he mentioned that the macro was actually conflicting with what he would normally write. Sometimes he really did want to use a vector literal in a let binding. Why would he do that? In Common Lisp, that’s just asking for trouble — same for Elisp and Scheme.

(let ((v #(1 2 3)))
  (foo v))

The reason why this is a bad idea is that the same exact array will always be passed to foo. The array is created once at read time by the reader and re-used for the life of that code. If anyone makes a modification to the array it will damage the array for everyone using it.

(defun foo ()
  #(1 2 3))
(eq (foo) (foo))
=> T

The safer method is to create a fresh array every time by not using a literal but instead calling vector.

(let ((v (vector 1 2 3)))
  (foo v))

Clojure data structures are immutable, including vectors, so using the same exact vector in multiple places is safe. That makes use literal vectors in code less awkward. But that still left a question hanging: why was Brian using literal vectors so often that he needed one so soon after writing this macro?

In Common Lisp, they’re not very useful because the elements are not evaluated by the parser. When this vector is evaluated the result is a vector where the second element is a list containing three atoms.

#(1 (+ 2 3) 4)
=> #(1 (+ 2 3) 4)

Evaluated arrays return themselves unchanged. To do most useful things, a fresh vector needs to be constructed piecemeal. If somehow the uniqueness of a literal array wasn’t an issue, they still couldn’t be used for much.

(defun foo (x)
  #(x x x))
(foo 10)
=> #(X X X)

To achieve the desired effect, the vector function needs to be used again. Because it’s a normal function call, the arguments are evaluated.

(defun foo (x)
  (vector x x x))
(foo 10)
=> #(10 10 10)

However, to my surprise, Clojure doesn’t work like this! Literal vectors have their elements evaluated and, if necessary, are created fresh on every use — exactly like a call to vector.

(defn foo [x]
  [x x x])
(foo 10)
=> [10 10 10]
(identical? (foo 10) (foo 10))
=> false

If the exact form of the vector is needed unevaluated, it needs to be quoted just like lists.

(defn foo [x]
  '[x x x])
(foo 10)
=> [x x x]
(identical? (foo 10) (foo 10))
=> true

After further reflection, I now feel like this is the right way to go about implementing vectors. When I was first learning Lisp the non-evaluating nature of arrays really caught me by surprise. Vectors should evaluate their elements by default; if the Common Lisp behavior is needed it can always be quoted. It’s impossible to “fix” any established Lisp of course, so I’m merely wishing this was the behavior defined decades ago.

To recap: normally in Lisp, vectors evaluate to themselves, like numbers and strings. Instead, evaluation of a vector should return a new vector containing the results of each of the element evaluated. Since Clojure’s data structures are immutable, the compiler can take a shortcut when it can guarantee each of a vector’s elements always evaluate to themselves, and have the vector evaluate to itself — purely as an optimization.

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