JavaScript Strings as Arrays


One thing I enjoy about Common Lisp is its general treatment of sequences. (In fact, I wish it went further with it!) Functions that don’t depend on list-specific features generally work with any kind of sequence. For example, remove-duplicates doesn’t just work with lists, it works on any sequence.

(remove-duplicates '(a b b c))  ; list
=> (A B C)

(remove-duplicates #(a b b c))  ; array
=> #(A B C)

Functions like member and mapcar require lists because their behavior explicitly uses them. The general sequence version of these are find and map. Writing a new sequence function means sticking to these generic sequence functions, particularly elt and subseq rather than the more specialized accessors.

A string is just a one-dimensional array — a vector — with elements of the type character. This means all sequence functions also work on strings.

(make-array 10 :element-type 'character :initial-element #\a)
=> "aaaaaaaaaa"

(remove-duplicates "abbc")
=> "abc"

(map 'string #'char-upcase "foo")
=> "FOO"

(reverse "foo")
=> "oof"

There is no special set of functions just for operating on strings (except those for string-specific operations). Strings are as powerful and flexible as any other sequence. This is very convenient.


Unfortunately, JavaScript strings aren’t quite arrays. They look and act a little bit like arrays, but they’re missing a few of the useful methods.

var foo = "abcdef";

=> "b"

=> 6

foo.reverse()  // error, no method 'reverse'

Notice that, when indexing, it returns a one-character string, not a single character. This is because there’s no character type in JavaScript. It would have been interesting if JavaScript had gone the Elisp route, where there’s no character type but instead characters are represented by integers, with some sort of character literal for using characters in code. This sort of thing can be emulated with the charCodeAt() method.

To work around the strings-are-not-arrays thing, strings can be converted to arrays with split(), manipulated as an array, and restored with join().

=> "fedcba"

The string method replace can act as a stand-in for map and filter. The replacement argument can be a function, which will be called on each match. If a single character at a time is selected for replacement then what’s left is the map method.

// Map over each character
foo.replace(/./g, function(c) {
    return String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0) + 10);
=> "klmnop"

For filter, an empty string would be returned in the case of the predicate returning false and the original match in the case of true.

foo.replace(/./g, function(c) {
    if ("xyeczd".indexOf(c) >= 0)
        return c;
        return '';
=> "cde"

In most cases, typical use of regular expressions would serve the need for the filter() method, so this is mostly unnecessary. For example, the above could also be done like so,

foo.replace(/[^xyeczd]/g, '');

Another way to fix the missing methods would be to simply implement the Array methods for strings and add them to the String prototype, but that’s generally considered bad practice.

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Chris Wellons (PGP)
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