Modifying the Middle of a zlib Stream

I recently ran into problem where I needed to modify bytes at the beginning of an existing zlib stream. My program creates a file in a format I do not control, and the file format has a header indicating the total, uncompressed data size, followed immediately by the data. The tricky part is that the header and data are zlib compressed together, and I don’t know how much data there will be until I’ve collected it all. Sometimes it’s many gigabytes. I don’t know how to fill out the header when I start, and I can’t rewrite it when I’m done since it’s compressed in the zlib stream … or so I thought.

nelem samples[nelem]

My original solution was not to compress anything until it gathered the entirety of the data. The input would get concatenated into a huge buffer, then finally compressed and written out. It’s not ideal, because the program uses a lot more memory than it theoretical could, especially if the data is highly compressible. It would be far better to compress the data as it arrives and somehow update the header later.

My first thought was to ask zlib to leave the header uncompressed, then enable compression (deflateParams()) for the data. I’d work out the magic offset and overwrite the uncompressed header bytes once I’m done. There are two major issues with this, and I’ll address each:

Fixing the checksum

Ignoring the second problem for a moment, I could fix the checksum by computing it myself. When I overwrite my uncompressed header bytes, I could also overwrite the checksum at the end of the compressed stream. For illustration, here’s an simple example implementation of adler32 (from Wikipedia):

#define MOD_ADLER 65521

example_adler32(uint8_t *data, size_t len)
    uint32_t a = 1;
    uint32_t b = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        a = (a + data[i]) % MOD_ADLER;
        b = (b + a) % MOD_ADLER;
    return (b << 16) | a;

If you think about this for a moment, you may notice this puts me back at square one. If I don’t know the header, then I don’t know the checksum value at the end of the header, going into the data buffer. I’d need to buffer all the data to compute the checksum. Fortunately adler32 has the nice property that two checksums can be concatenated as if they were one long stream. In a malicious context this is known as a length extension attack, but it’s a real benefit here.

It’s like the zlib authors anticipated my needs, because the zlib library has a function exactly for this:

uint32_t adler32_combine(uint32_t adler1, uint32_t adler2, size_t len2);

I just have to keep track of the data checksum adler2 and I can compute the proper checksum later.

uint64_t total = 0;
uint32_t data_adler = adler32(0, 0, 0); // initial value
while (processing_input) {
    // ...
    data_adler = adler32(data_adler, data, size);
    total += size;
// ...
uint32_t header_adler = adler32(0, 0, 0);
header_adler = adler32(header_adler, header, header_size);
uint32_t adler = adler32_combine(header_adler, data_adler, total);

Preventing back-references

This part is more complicated and it helps to have some familiarity with zlib. Every time zlib is asked to compress data, it’s given a flush parameter. Under normal operation, this value is always Z_NO_FLUSH until the end of the stream, in which case it’s finalized with Z_FINISH. Other flushing options force it to emit data sooner at the cost of reduced compression ratio. This would primarily be used to eliminate output latency on interactive streams (e.g. compressed SSH sessions).

The necessary flush option for this situation is Z_FULL_FLUSH. It forces out all output data and resets the dictionary: a fence. Future inputs cannot reference anything before a full flush. Since the header is uncompressed, it will not reference itself either. Ignoring the checksum problem, I can safely modify these bytes.

Putting it all together

To fully demonstrate all of this, I’ve put together an example using one of my favorite image formats, Netpbm P6.

In the P6 format, the image header is an ASCII description of the image’s dimensions followed immediately by raw pixel data.

width height
[RGB bytes]

It’s a bit contrived, but it’s the project I used to work it all out. The demo reads arbitrary raw byte data on standard input and uses it to produce a zlib-compressed PPM file on standard output. It doesn’t know the size of the input ahead of time, nor does it naively buffer it all. There’s no dynamic allocation (except for what zlib does internally), but the program can process arbitrarily large input. The only requirement is that standard output is seekable. Using the technique described above, it patches the header within the zlib stream with the final image dimensions after the input has been exhausted.

If you’re on a Debian system, you can use zlib-flate to decompress raw zlib streams (gzip wraps zlib, but can’t raw zlib). Alternatively your system’s openssl program may have zlib support. Here’s running it on itself as input. Remember, you can’t pipe it into zlib-flate because the output needs to be seekable in order to write the header.

$ ./zppm < zppm > out.ppmz
$ zlib-flate -uncompress < out.ppmz > out.ppm

Unfortunately due to the efficiency-mindedness of zlib, its use requires careful bookkeeping that’s easy to get wrong. It’s a little machine that at each step needs to be either fed more input or its output buffer cleared. Even with all the error checking stripped away, it’s still too much to go over in full here, but I’ll summarize the parts.

First I process an empty buffer with compression disabled. The output buffer will be discarded, so input buffer could be left uninitialized, but I don’t want to upset anyone. All I need is the output size, which I use to seek over the to-be-written header. I use Z_FULL_FLUSH as described, and there’s no loop because I presume my output buffer is easily big enough for this.

char bufin[4096];
char bufout[4096];

z_stream z = {
    .next_in = (void *)bufin,
    .avail_in = HEADER_SIZE,
    .next_out = (void *)bufout,
    .avail_out = sizeof(bufout),
deflateInit(&z, Z_NO_COMPRESSION);
memset(bufin, 0, HEADER_SIZE);
deflate(&z, Z_FULL_FLUSH);
fseek(stdout, sizeof(bufout) - z.avail_out, SEEK_SET);

Next I enable compression and reset the checksum. This makes zlib track the checksum for all of the non-header input. Otherwise I’d be throwing away all its checksum work and repeating it myself.

z.adler = adler32(0, 0, 0);

I won’t include it in this article, but what follows is a standard zlib compression loop, consuming all the input data. There’s one key difference compared to a normal zlib compression loop: when the input is exhausted, instead of Z_FINISH I use Z_SYNC_FLUSH to force everything out. The problem with Z_FINISH is that it will write the checksum, but we’re not ready for that.

With all the input processed, it’s time to go back to rewrite the header. Rather than mess around with magic byte offsets, I start a second, temporary zlib stream and do the Z_FULL_FLUSH like before, but this time with the real header. In deciding the header size, I reserved 6 characters for the width and 10 characters for the height.

sprintf(bufin, "P6\n%-6lu\n%-10lu\n255\n", width, height);
uint32_t adler = adler32(0, 0, 0);
adler = adler32(adler, (void *)bufin, HEADER_SIZE);

z_stream zh = {
    .next_in = (void *)bufin,
    .avail_in = HEADER_SIZE,
    .next_out = (void *)bufout,
    .avail_out = sizeof(bufout),
deflateInit(&zh, Z_NO_COMPRESSION);
deflate(&zh, Z_FULL_FLUSH);
fseek(stdout, 0, SEEK_SET);
fwrite(bufout, 1, sizeof(bufout) - zh.avail_out, stdout);
fseek(stdout, 0, SEEK_END);

The header is now complete, so I can go back to finish the original compression stream. Again, I assume the output buffer is big enough for these final bytes.

z.adler = adler32_combine(adler, z.adler, z.total_in - HEADER_SIZE);
z.next_out = (void *)bufout;
z.avail_out = sizeof(bufout);
deflate(&z, Z_FINISH);
fwrite(bufout, 1, sizeof(bufout) - z.avail_out, stdout);

It’s a lot more code than I expected, but it wasn’t too hard to work out. If you want to get into the nitty gritty and really hack a zlib stream, check out RFC 1950 and RFC 1951.

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Chris Wellons (PGP)
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