Getting Lisp

I've been using lisp on and off for the past few years. I read some lisp books, went through The Little Schemer and some of SICP. But I could never really think in lisp. When I needed to write some code, I would prefer another language first. I was writing imperative code for 10 years before I saw lisp, and I was used to it.

Recently, I have found myself wanting to use lists (including alists, plists, etc.) as data structures for everything, even when I'm not even writing lisp. I think I finally got lisp and now I want to use lisp for everything.

For example, take this little problem from the other day on f(t). Katie Nowak gives us a math problem,

There is a 75% chance of rain on any given day in the next week. What is the probability that it will rain on at least 5 of the 7 days?

Rain cloud in parenthesis The purpose of the question was to point out a neat coincidence in the problem (explained at the link). I used a program to solve the problem and there are two reasons for this.

First, I wanted to use the program to explore the problem and find the "special" property. With a program, I could quickly try different parameters, which would take longer, and be more error prone, by hand.

Second, which is similar to the first, I hate evaluating a large expression by hand. It's slow and error prone. Writing a program to do the same work is faster and mistakes are easier to catch. Also, I can quickly try different parameters to make sure my program's output is reasonable. In this case, for any reasonable input, the output, a probability, shouldn't be greater than 1.

Well, let's see, this is a Bernoulli experiment: each day is independent, so it is like flipping a coin seven times and counting the heads. That means we need the choose function.

My first thought was Octave, as this is a simple program and Octave already provides nchoosek() for me.

# Rain at least n days
function sum = rain (n)
  sum = 0;
  for i = n:7
    sum += nchoosek(7,i) * 0.75 ^ i * 0.25 ^ (7 - i);

Simple, but I actually made a couple little mistakes working it out, and it took me a little longer than it should have. If you asked someone to write this program in any imperative language, it would probably look a lot like this.

I then made a lisp version (elisp), but I first needed to define the binomial coefficient function since there wasn't one provided.

(defun nck (n k)
  "The binomial coefficient."
  (if (or (= k 0) (= k n)) 1
    (+ (nck (- n 1) (- k 1)) (nck (- n 1) k))))

This is the recursive version, based on Pascal's rule, so it doesn't need factorials.

In lisp, recursion is preferred to iteration, so that's the way I approached the program.

(defun p-rain (n)
  "Probability of rain on exactly n days."
  (* (nck 7 n) (expt 0.75 n) (expt 0.25 (- 7 n))))

(defun rain-at-least (n)
  "Probability it will rain on at least n days."
  (if (> n 7) 0
    (+ (p-rain n) (rain-at-least (+ 1 n)))))

I like the recursive version, and this code, much better. It presents the solution in a more straight forward way. And I got it right the first time, too. Yes, it was written after the Octave version, but I still think it counts for something.

The lisp version is also less complex. The Octave version has to use some temporary variables, i and sum, which is extra conceptual overhead. Sure, it could also be written recursively, but this is not really the way Octave is meant to be written.

Eh, not a great example, really. Lisp has so many powerful features, like macros (the powerful lisp kind), symbols, low-level access into the interpreter, and the REPL, that allow the programmer to do some really cool things. Many of these features are unique to lisps.

I'm really liking lisp.

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null program

Chris Wellons (PGP)
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