JavaScript's Quirky eval

The infamous eval function is a strange beast in any language, but I think JavaScript’s is perhaps the strangest incarnation. Its very presence in a function foils any possibility of optimization, because it is capable of wreaking so much havoc.

The purpose of eval is to take an arbitrary data structure containing a program (usually a string) and evaluate it. Most of the time the use eval indicates a bad program — its use completely unnecessary, very slow, and probably dangerous. There are exceptions, like Skewer, where a REPL is being provided to a developer. Something needs to perform the “E” part of REPL.

If the language’s platform already has a parser and compiler/interpreter around, like an interpreted language, it’s most of the way to having an eval. eval just exposes the existing functionality directly to programs. In a brute-force, trivial approach, the string to be evaluated could be written to a file and loaded like a regular program.


However, executing arbitrary code in an established context is non-trivial. When a program is compiled, the compiler maps out the program’s various lexical bindings at compile time. For example, when compiling C, a function’s variables become offsets from the stack pointer. As an optimization, unused variables can be discarded, saving precious stack space. If the code calling eval has been compiled like this and the evaluation is being done in the same lexical environment as the call, then eval needs to be able to access this mapping in order to map identifiers to bindings.

This complication can be avoided if the eval is explicitly done in the global context. For example, take Common Lisp’s eval.

Evaluates form in the current dynamic environment and the null lexical environment.

This means lexical bindings are not considered, only dynamic (global) bindings. In the expression below, foo is bound lexically so eval has no access to it. The compilation and optimization of this code is unaffected by the eval. It’s about as complicated as loading a new source file with load.

(let ((foo 'bar))
  (eval 'foo))  ; error, foo is unbound

Python and Ruby are similar, where eval is done in the global environment. In both cases, an evaluation environment can be passed explicitly as an additional argument.

In Perl things start to get a bit strange (string version). eval is done in the current lexical environment. However, no assignments, either to change bindings or modify data structures, are visible outside of the eval. (Fixed a string interpolation mistake.)

sub foo {
    my $bar = 10;
    eval '$bar = 5';
    return eval '$bar';

This function returns 5. The eval modified the lexically scoped $bar.

Note how short Lisp’s eval documentation is compared to Perl’s. Lisp’s eval semantics are dead simple — very important for such a dangerous function. Perl’s description is two orders of magnitude larger than Lisp’s and it still doesn’t fully document the feature.


JavaScript goes much further than all of this. Not only is eval done in the current lexical environment but it can introduce entirely new bindings!

function foo() {
    eval('var bar = 10');
    return bar;

This function returns 10. eval created a new lexical variable in foo at run time. Because the environment can be manipulated so drastically at run time, any hopes of effectively compiling foo are thrown out the window. To have an outside function modify the local environment is a severe side-effect. It essentially requires that JavaScript be interpreted rather than compiled. Along with the with statement, it’s strong evidence that JavaScript was at some point designed by novices.

eval also makes closures a lot heavier. Normally the compiler can determine at compile time which variables are being accessed by a function and minimize the environment captured by a closure. For example,

function foo(x) {
    var y = {x: x};
    return function() {
        return x * x;

The function foo returns a closure capturing the bindings x and y. The compiler can prove that y is never accessed by the closure and omit it, freeing the object bound to y for garbage collection. However, if eval is present, anything could be accessed at any time and the compiler can prove nothing. For example,

function foo(x) {
    return function() {
        return eval('x * x');

The variable x is never accessed lexically, but the eval can tease it out at run time. The expression foo(3)() will evaluate to 9, showing that anything exposed to the closure is not free to be garbage collected as long as the closure is accessible.

If that’s where the story ended, JavaScript optimization would look pretty bleak. Any function call could be a call to eval and so any time we call another function it may stomp all over the local environment, preventing the compiler from proving anything useful. For example,

var secretEval = eval;
function foo(string) {
    // ...
    // ...

There’s good news and bad news. The good news is that this is not the case in the above example. string will be evaluated in the global environment, not the local environment. The bad news is that this is because of a obscure, complicated concept of indirect and direct evals.

In general, when eval is called by a name other than “eval” it is an indirect call and is performed in the global environment (see the linked article for a more exact description). This means the compiler can tell at compile time whether or not eval will be evaluating in the lexical environment. If not, it’s free to make optimizations that eval would otherwise prohibit. Whew!

Strict mode

To address eval’s problems a bit further, along with some other problems, ECMAScript 5 introduced strict mode. Strict mode modifies JavaScript’s semantics so that it’s a more robust and compiler-friendly language.

In strict mode, eval still uses the local environment when called directly but it gets its own nested environment. New bindings are created in this nested environment, which is discarded when evaluation is complete. JavaScript’s eval is still quirky, but less so than before.

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null program

Chris Wellons (PGP)
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